Pose and Repose July 7 – 11, 2025

Come to Yogaview this summer and join us for this five day sadhana. It is an opportunity to explore the work of B.K.S Iyengar in more depth. Pose and Repose has been offered for 10 summers now . It always fills quickly so register soon and don’t be disappointed.

This year I will be joined by  two other teachers , Barbara Young from Pathway Yoga in Ottawa and Lisa Lelliott from Halifax. So it should be enriching week for everyone.

We can take 22 participants. Every student must have at least one year of Iyengar Yoga Experience and be able to set up independently for Salamba Sarvangasana ( shoulder stand) . Each morning program is a blend of asanas, pranayama and philosophy. The afternoons , except Wednesday, are free to explore this beautiful area. This year, we have a later start on Wednesday morning and Q&A and philosophy study on Wednesday afternoon.

For more information about schedule, registration or to download the brochure click here.